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Latest News!

Book publication and Launch progress

A new book entitled 'Sacred Messages from Trees' is in its final stages of production and one not to be missed. Further details will be announced shortly.





Earth Healing and Angel Awareness Day - Date TBA

This event will take place later in the year - that actual date to be announced by the end of July 2020. Previous events have taken place at a given UK park location and everyone who attended had a wonderful shared spiritual experience and enjoyed the various fun activities! 

However this year (2020) due to the impact of the Corona virus pandemic the format of this event will take a slightly different format. As you are aware some of our participants are non-UK residents but that opens the opportunity for technology to enhance our gathering rather than placing restrictions on it. To overcome any barriers to attending the event will be online. within the UK guidelines it may be possible to have small indoor group gatherings. This is a variable and fluctuating situation at the moment and you will need to work within the guidelines of your given country of residence.  

More detailed information to follow so watch this space :)

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